14 Nov 10 - UNAMID JSR Ibrahim Gambari’s statement to the press in Khartoum

21 Nov 2010

14 Nov 10 - UNAMID JSR Ibrahim Gambari’s statement to the press in Khartoum

Statement to the Media

UNAMID JSR Ibrahim Gambari’s statement to the press in Khartoum

Dear representatives of the international and Sudanese press,
Distinguished members of the diplomatic corps,

I would like to thank you all for coming on this public holiday.  Attention over the past months had been focused on activities related to the implementation of the CPA.  This is rightly so.  The referendum is a seminal point in the history of Sudan.  The decisions the parties make now are crucial to realizing lasting peace no matter the outcome of the referendum.

The peace process and the security situation on the ground in Darfur are also at critical points. The conduct of the referendum and its outcome will impact the whole country, including Darfur. Tomorrow the registration of potential voters in the upcoming referendum will commence. An estimated 45,000 people in Darfur are considered eligible to register to vote. The Government of Sudan is organizing and conducting the referendum.  UNMIS is in the lead for the UN in providing support to the process.  UNAMID’s role is to assist UNMIS and we have taken all measures to do so as and when required.

As Sudan enters this critical period in its history, I would like to take this opportunity today to remind you, the representatives of the press, as well as the international community and all parties in Sudan of the need to remain focused on Darfur and the continuing need to find a lasting political settlement of the conflict. In this regard, I will start this press conference with a short overview and assessment of the situation, following which I will be ready for any questions you may have.

I am pleased to note that the Joint Chief Mediator, Mr. Djibril Bassole, and the Government of Qatar have achieved considerable progress in the negotiations between the Government of Sudan and the Liberation and Justice Movement. As you are aware, as part of the process, the Mediation team invited representatives of the Darfur civil society, IDPs and refugees to Doha to provide their direct input into the peace process. Their views have been fully reflected in the draft text.

In order to deepen consultations with the people of Darfur, the Joint Chief Mediator and the Qatari Minister of State have indicated their plans to conduct another round of consultations inside Darfur with active support and participation of UNAMID with Darfurian stakeholders before rounding up the talks between the belligerent parties.

A lasting settlement in Darfur requires a comprehensive, all-inclusive agreement based on the consensus of all Darfuris. To this end and in support of the Joint Chief Mediator, I have engaged with all stakeholders, including Mr. Khalil Ibrahim and Mr. Abdul Wahid el Nur, to convince them to join the peace process. Mr. Bassole remains in constant contact with both JEM and SLA-AW. He has reported that he had a good meeting with JEM yesterday. We hope this leads to a return of JEM to the peace process. JEM must take this opportunity seriously. As the members of the Sudan Consultative Forum on 6 November in Addis Ababa stressed, there will be very negative consequences both for the people of Darfur and for JEM as a movement if it fails to take advantage of this opportunity to return to the peace process.

Whatever the outcome of the Doha process, I have been assured by the Mediation that room will remain for JEM and SLA/AW to join.  Mr. Bassole and I are working together to make sure that this happens sooner than later. I hereby reiterate my call upon both JEM and SLA-AW to engage constructively with the Government of Sudan and participate in the peace talks without further delay or preconditions.

To ensure that any final settlement enjoys the full support and ownership of all people of Darfur, the participants of the Sudan Consultative Forum on 6 November agreed that there would be a Darfur-based political process consisting of consultations among all segments of Darfuri society, including newly elected and appointed officials, civil society, IDPs and refugees, traditional leaders, native administration, Arab communities, women, youth and anybody else who wishes to make a contribution. These consultations will also be open to the participation of the armed movements if they so choose.

In a first step, an initial meeting will be convened as soon as possible in Darfur under the auspices of the African Union High Level Implementation Panel on Darfur and UNAMID, as well as in partnership with other stakeholders, to set the agenda for the political process. UNAMID and the AUHIP have started preparations to this effect. We shall provide you with further information on this initiative as the process develops.