UNAMID Acting Deputy Head meets Wali of East Darfur

Photo by Abdulrasheed Yakubu, UNAMID.

Photo by Abdulrasheed Yakubu, UNAMID.

Photo by Abdulrasheed Yakubu, UNAMID.

Photo by Abdulrasheed Yakubu, UNAMID.

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13 Feb 2018

UNAMID Acting Deputy Head meets Wali of East Darfur

El Daein; 11 February 2018: UNAMID Acting Deputy Joint Special Representative (ADJSR), Peter Schumann, recently conducted a two-day visit to El Daein, East Darfur, where he met the Wali (Governor), the Deputy Nazir of the Southern Rezeigat, native administration leaders and representatives of displaced persons as well as women’s groups.


The aim of visit was to discuss the role of UNAMID in the state as a peacekeeping mission mandated to maintain security and protect civilians, within the context of the Mission’s ongoing reconfiguration.


Welcoming ADJSR Schumann, the Wali, Annas Omer Mohammed, expressed his appreciation of Mission’s role in reducing inter-communal conflicts, its support to IDPs and facilitating government activities.


The Wali briefed on the main causes of conflict in East Darfur as well as the Government’s efforts to address disputes related to land ownership and other communal clashes, in coordination with the Mission.


On his part, the Acting DJSR spoke about UNAMID’s ongoing restructuring as well as its support to development projects in the state.


The Deputy Nazir of the Southern Rezeigat, El Fadil Saeed Madibo, stressed upon the need for a continued presence of the Mission to address the root causes of conflict in the region. “We cannot say there is absolute peace in east Darfur, though it is true that there have been marked improvements in the security situation. However, a lot more needs to be done in areas that are still unsecured and lack basic services as well as rule of law institutions,” said Mr. Madibo.


The women’s representative, Ms. Magbola, stated that UNAMID, in its capacity as one of the main stakeholders that witnessed the signing of the Doha Document For Peace in Darfur (DDPD), should monitor and ensure that all segments of the DDPD, including provisions that speak about displaced persons, compensation, returns, wealth and power sharing, are addressed.


Other issues discussed at the meeting included challenges to voluntary returns and provision of health facilities as well as safe drinking water in areas of return.

In the course of his visit, Mr. Schumann also met with the UN Country Team representatives from East Darfur.