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Search results

  1. 19 Jul 11 - UNAMID JSR addresses the African Union’s Peace and Security Council

    19 July 2011

  2. 12 July 11 - Committee on UN Resolution for women launched in Zalingei

    12 July 2011

  3. 28 May 11 - Second day of Doha talks witness delays

    28 May 2011

  4. 15 May 11 - JSR Gambari meets with Darfuri lawyers

    16 May 2011  

  5. UNAMID donates equipment to Darfur prisons

    20 April 2011

  6. 11 Apr 11 - Nyala police train in investigative techniques

    11 April 2011  

  7. 17 Mar 11 - UNAMID team investigates rape allegations

    17 March 2011 17 March 2011 -

  8. 25 Jan 11 - One dead in Zamzam camp

    25 January 2011 25 January 2011 - At least one person is now reported dead, following a search operation by Government security forces in Zamzam IDP camp.

  9. 22 Dec 10 - Darfur civil society prepares for referendum

    22 December 2010... of El Fasher’s Center for Peace, Development Studies and Human Rights, in cooperation with UNAMID Political Affairs, held a one-day ...

  10. 23 Nov 10 - UNAMID Chief visits team sites in North Darfur

    24 November 2010
