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  1. Yala Nebni Darfur Radio Programme 29 March 2014

    15 April 2014... Adam Ahmed. Dram for talking about respecting human rights. Listen Programme Here:   ...

  2. Yala Nebni Darfur Radio Programme 13 April 2014

    16 April 2014 Report on Workshop to promote Human rights and fair Trial for Rural Court Judges in El-Fasher,organized by UNAMID ...

  3. Yala Nebni Darfur Radio Programme 29 May 2014

    24 June 2014... protection Unit talks about protection of civilians through human rights. Reactions from Darfurians about the work and presence of peace ...

  4. Yala Nebni Darfur Radio Programme 31 July 2014

    17 August 2014 Feature on Commemoration of Human Rights Day, organized by Ministry of Education of North Darfur  in ...

  5. Yala Nebni Darfur Radio Programme 27 September 2014

    28 September 2014... by Adam Ahmed. Drama talking about the respect need to human rights . Listen Audio Program Here: Yala Nebni Darfur 27 ...

  6. Yala Nebni darfur Radio Programme 27 November 2014​

    30 November 2014... by Adam Ahmed. Drama talking about the respect need to human rights. Listen Audio Program Here: Yala Nebni Darfur 27 November ...

  7. Yala Nebni Darfur Radio Programme 20 January 2015

    20 January 2015... Feature about Training workshop on International Human Rights Covenants contained in Doha Document for the members of  Liberation ...

  8. Outcome statement of Joint United Nations Country Team and UNAMID meeting in El Fasher

    12 December 2011 On 11 December 2011, the Deputy Joint Special Representative (DJSR-P) of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID), Ms.

  9. Gender-based violence workshop for Zalingei law enforcement officers

    28 June 2010 27 June 2010 - UNAMID today began a four-day training workshop on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) for 35 Corrections Staff and Sudanese Police personnel in Zalingei, West

  10. UNAMID assesses humanitarian conditions of newly displaced persons

    28 January 2010 27 January 2010 - Yesterday, UNAMID’s Human Rights Division, along with OCHA, WFP and IOM, concluded a two-day assessment ...
