Former child soldiers registered for reintegration

6 Feb 2013

Former child soldiers registered for reintegration

More than 70 former child soldiers, which included 24 girls, were recently registered in South Darfur for rehabilitation and reintegration. The former members of the Sudan Liberation Army / Historical Leadership (SLA/HL) were released in to the communities in 2011. A number of young adults identified as former child soldiers were also identified and registered to benefit from the reintegration program in compliance with a commitment made to the United Nations by the Movement.

The initiative, which took place in Nyala, South Darfur, from 17-31 January, was organized by the Sudan Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Commission and supported by the African Union - United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

On 25 September 2011, SLA/HL submitted an action plan to the United Nations committing to end the recruitment and use of child soldiers in Darfur. In the plan, the Movement claims that the children who enrolled into the ranks did so for a number of reasons, including poverty, hunger, psychological issues, displacement and separation from their families. Also that year, the Movement signed a peace agreement with the Government that includes demobilization and an end to hostilities.

SLA/HL is the sixth armed movement in Darfur to have submitted an action plan on the recruitment of children.