The United Nations – African Union Hybrid Operation in Darfur completed its mandate on 31 December 2020. You can find information about the mission’s past activities and achievements on this website.
28 Jul 2020 - Zalingie, 28 July 2020- UNAMID notes with deep concern the recent increase in violent attacks on peaceful protestors, civilians, rural communities and camps of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in various localities in North, South and West Darfur. The Mission condemns the loss of life, injuries and displacement resulting from such attacks whose main victims are women and children.
14 Jul 2020 - Zalingei, 14 July 2020- UNAMID is deeply concerned about the violent incidents that erupted in Kutum town on 12 July and the attack by unidentified armed men on the Fata Borno IDP Camp on the morning of 13 July 2020 which left 9 IDPs dead and 20 injured.
26 Jun 2020 - A High-Level Sudan Partnership Conference took place on Thursday gathering some 50 countries and international organizations together in Berlin, generating pledges to bolster the African nation’s economic and political transformation to the tune of $1.8 billion, and discuss the challenges that lie ahead. Read more:
24 Jun 2020 - Khartoum- 24 June 2020- For the past few days, the people of Darfur have been subjected to a great deal of suffering and unwarranted displacement due to renewed eruption of fighting between two factions of the Sudan Liberation Army, Abdul Wahid Al-Nur Wing (SLA-AW) which resulted in killings, rape and the displacement of thousands of people from their villages and hamlets.
12 Jun 2020 - Khartoum, 11 June 2020 – The African Union – United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) urges the different communities in South Darfur state to exercise restraint and maintain calm following today’s incident in Kalma Camp, to allow for police investigations into the killing of two people and injury of a third.