7 Feb 11 - Gration visits North and West Darfur

8 Feb 2011

7 Feb 11 - Gration visits North and West Darfur

07 February 2011 - The U.S. Special Envoy to the Sudan, Scott Gration, today concluded a two-day tour of North and West Darfur.


On 6 February, Gration met with local officials and UNAMID leadership, to discuss the latest developments, including the Darfur Political Process. He was later accompanied by the Mission’s Force Commander, Lt. Gen. Patrick Nyamvumba, to Tukumara, where they spoke with civilians. The group later travelled to Kutum, before ending the day in El Geneina where they met with the Wali (Governor) of West Darfur.


Gration talks with community leaders in Tukumare. Photo by Albert González Farran / UNAMID


Today, the delegation visited the villages of Gosmino, Tanduso and Foro Baranga.

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