24 Feb 11 - Security situation update

24 Feb 2011

24 Feb 11 - Security situation update

24 February 2011 - Internally displaced persons (IDP) camps in North and South Darfur continue to report new arrivals after last week’s outburst of fighting between Government forces and armed groups. UNAMID continues to provide water and humanitarian escorts for aid groups delivering much-needed supplies.


A UNAMID patrol returned yesterday, Wednesday 23 February, from a mission to Tereij, South Darfur, where they met with local leaders to help ease growing ethnic tensions resulting from competition over farmland and water sources. The team also assessed the security situation and the state of basic services in the area.



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Kemal Saïki, Director; saiki@un.org; tel.: +249 (0) 92 244 3529; mobile: +249 (0) 92 241 0020

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