18 May 11 - Air strikes near Kuma, North Darfur

18 May 2011

18 May 11 - Air strikes near Kuma, North Darfur


18 May 2011 - UNAMID peacekeepers based in Kuma, located approximately 100 kilometers northeast of El Fasher, North Darfur, are currently en route to the nearby village of Sukamir, where an air strike by Government forces was reported yesterday afternoon. The team will attempt to collect information on possible casualties and newly displaced persons.
UNAMID flights to the regions of Shangil Tobaya, Fanga Suk and neighboring regions in North Darfur have been suspended until further notice due to government officials citing security concerns. In South Darfur, restrictions on the movement of aid groups have led to the cancellation of a number of humanitarian missions.




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