05 Jan 11 - UNAMID peacekeeper released after 90 days of captivity

5 Jan 2011

05 Jan 11 - UNAMID peacekeeper released after 90 days of captivity

UNAMID PR / 01-2011

Statement to the Media

UNAMID peacekeeper released after 90 days of captivity


El Fasher, 05 January 2011 – A UNAMID international civilian staff member, who was abducted from his accommodation in El Fasher on 7 October, has been freed today after 90 days in captivity.

During the kidnapping incident, three peacekeepers were abducted from their residence by three unknown gunmen, who left in a UNAMID vehicle that was parked next to their accommodation. Two of the staff subsequently managed to escape from the moving vehicle.

The staff member, a Hungarian national, was released this afternoon and was immediately transported by the Sudanese authorities to El Fasher, where he underwent a medical examination. He appeared to be unharmed and in good health, and is now flying to Khartoum. 

UNAMID Joint Special Representative Ibrahim Gambari expressed gratitude at the release of the staff member, “We are thankful to have our colleague back with us, safe and sound.”

The release comes as a result of the efforts of the Sudanese authorities with which the Mission leadership was in continuous contact. The Government of Hungary was also notified and worked closely with the Mission and the Government of the Sudan to ensure the safe release of its national.

A total of 10 UNAMID peacekeepers have been abducted since the beginning of the Mission in 2008. The Mission shall not be deterred by such acts of violence and criminal activities against its peacekeepers, and calls on the Government of the Sudan to bring the perpetrators to justice.

UNAMID wishes to reiterate its thanks and gratitude for the essential role of the Sudanese authorities in the safe release of its staff member.

Communication and Public Information Division Media Contacts
Kemal Saïki, Director; saiki@un.org; tel.: +249 (0) 92 244 3529; mobile: +249 (0) 92 241 0020

Mayada Umbadda, Media Relations; umbadda@un.org; mobile: +249 (0) 91 250 1966