UNAMID’s Joint Special Representative meets the Deputy Wali of North Darfur

11 Jan 2016

UNAMID’s Joint Special Representative meets the Deputy Wali of North Darfur

UNAMID’s Joint Special Representative and Joint Chief Mediator, Martin Ihoeghian Uhomoibhi, met the Deputy Wali (Governor) of North Darfur, Adam Mohamed Hamid Alnahla, and a few other government representatives, at the Wali’s office in El Fasher, North Darfur. Mr. Uhomoibhi was accompanied by the Mission’s Deputy Joint Special Representative, Bintou Keita, and senior staff.

During the meeting, JSR Uhomoibhi commended the existing working relationship between the Mission and the government of North Darfur and expressed his desire to continue to work collaboratively with government authorities to achieve the Mission’s mandated aims. Mr. Uhomoibhi also thanked the government of North Darfur for the support they extend to the Mission. 

On his part, the Deputy Wali expressed his appreciation for the JSR’s maiden visit to the Wali’s offices and commended the continuing corporation between UNAMID and the North Darfur government. 

Mr. Uhomoibhi formally commenced his duties as UNAMID’s Joint Special Representative last week and held a series of meetings with government officials in Khartoum.