UN State Liaison Functions conduct training on human rights for GoS police in South Darfur
From 19 to 20 May 2019, UNAMID and UN Country Team State Liaison Functions (SLFs) in South Darfur state, in partnership with the state police, conducted a two-week Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop on human rights for Government of Sudan (GoS) police. The training mainly concentrated on international human rights and international humanitarian law standards, with special focus on Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV).
Thirty-nine police officers, including nine females, attended the Workshop aimed at building the capacity of the GOS police on human rights and subsequently promote human rights in south Darfur.
South Darfur Police Commissioner, Chief Prosecutor, Appeals Court Judge, South Darfur Judiciary training coordinator, South Darfur legal administration representatives, Head of UNDP office in south Darfur, Head of UNAMID SLFs Police and senior local police officers attended the Workshop opening ceremony.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, South Darfur Police Commissioner, General Niazy Salih Ahmed, expressed his sincere appreciation to UNAMID and UNDP for their efforts in supporting police in South Darfur. He urged workshop participants to clearly focus and absorb training content through cooperation and active participation during discussion sessions. “I also urge participants to further transfer skills acquired from this workshop to other police officers in the state through internally organised training,” General Salih Ahmed emphasised.
In his remarks, the Officer-in-Charge of UNDP in south Darfur, Mr. Salaheldin Ibrahim stated that the workshop is part of the SLF activities geared towards capacity building of GOS police in relation to the critical need to engender respect and promotion of human rights in their daily work.
Workshop participants also echoed their gratitude to UN SLFs in the state for conducting this workshop and pledged that going forward, they will apply all acquired knowledge to their daily work.