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  1. Police Commissioner:Landing Kinteh (Gambia)

    29 February 2016

  2. UNAMID Hands over Seating Units to Basic schools in Darfur

    14 April 2016 On 11 April 2016, UNAMID`s Human Rights Section, Sector North, handed over seating units consist of 348 benches ...

  3. Secretary-General's message on the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

    6 February 2017 NEW YORK - Female genital mutilation denies women and girls their dignity, endangers their health, and causes needless pain and suffering, with consequences that endure for a lifet

  4. UNAMID and UNCT launch ‘16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence’ campaign

    5 December 2017 Photo by Amin Ismail, UNAMID. Photo by Amin Ismail, UNAMID. Photo by Amin Ismail, UNAMID. EL FASHER – UNAMID and the United Nati...

  5. UN State Liaison Functions organizes training on “Fair trial standards” for district court judges in South Darfur

    25 September 2019 Photo by Kone Mouroulaye, UNAMID. Photo by Kone Mouroulaye, UNAMID. Photo by Kone Mouroulaye, UNAMID. UN State Liaison Functions in South Darfur...

  6. Protection of civilians, health focus of acting UN head’s visit to Central, West Darfur

    16 November 2012 El Fasher, 16 November 2012 -- Security and health concerns were the focus yesterday of the first field visit to Central and West Darfur by African Union – United Nation

  7. 24 Oct 13 -Secretary-General's message on United Nations Day

    24 October 2013 Dear friends, United Nations Day is a chance to recognize how much this invaluable Organization contributes to peace and common progress.

  8. Joint Chief Mediator commends willingness of movements to engage in peace talks

    12 December 2013   On 10 December 2013, Erastus Mwencha, Deputy Chairperson of African Union Commission, greets Gibril Ibrahim, leader of the armed movement Justice and Equality Movement (JEM-Gibril), with the presence of the AU-UN Joint Chief...

  9. UNAMID concludes training workshop for state prison employees in North Darfur

    17 December 2009 17 December 2009 -- Addressing corrections officers at a workshop closing ceremony today, the Director of Prisons for North Darfur, Brigadier General Babikir Ali Ahmed Nasr, voiced his hope they to

  10. 30 Sept 10 - West Darfur Establishes State Committee on UNSCR 1325

    3 October 2010
