Human rights and international fair trial standards discussed at El Daein workshop

Photo by Hassan Ibrahim Ishag, UNAMID.

Photo by Hassan Ibrahim Ishag, UNAMID.

Photo by Abdulrasheed Yakubu , UNAMID.

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2 Apr 2017

Human rights and international fair trial standards discussed at El Daein workshop

EL DAEIN – Human rights and international fair trial standards were the subject of a UNAMID workshop held in El Daein locality in East Darfur last week.  

More than 60 people took part in the two-day event, including judges, lawyers, police and prison officers, and other justice system actors. Participants discussed topics related to international standards on fair trials and due process, a Code of Conduct for law enforcement officials, along with human rights and the justice system.

Participants underlined the need to ensure basic trial rights, including public hearings, the right of each party to present evidence and fair trial procedures. Also highlighted was the need to support and encourage all members of society to do their part to contribute to safer communities.

Mudathir Al Rasheed, Chief of Justice for East Darfur, affirmed that the judiciary provides an umbrella for achieving justice and equality between people regardless of race, colour, religion or culture.

Mr. Al Rasheed said that justice is indivisible, noting that the doors of the East Darfur judiciary are open to UNAMID in order to advance coordination and cooperation, and promote and enhance Human Rights.

Mr. Al Rasheed said that the training will contribute to the situation of justice in Darfur and build the capacity of judicial officials, particularly prosecutors, lawyers and police.

Isha Dyfan, Chief of UNAMID’s Human Rights section, said that strengthening the rule of law and access to justice is the fundamental basis for prevention of conflict.

Ms. Dyfan emphasized that the Human Rights section will, within its limited resources, support the justice system in the state. This including working with the Justice System Training Unit to map out key areas to ensure that justice-related training takes places across Darfur.

“Our responsibility is to ensure that we maintain the peace and stability gained as a result of various peace efforts,” said Ms. Dyfan, “and to make sure that respect for people -- whether they are Christians or Muslims -- contains the central message that everybody is born free and equal.”