Deputy Joint Special Representative-Political holds initial meetings in Khartoum

5 Aug 2011

Deputy Joint Special Representative-Political holds initial meetings in Khartoum

Having recently arrived in El Fasher as the new Deputy Joint Special Representative (Political), Ms.  Aichatou Mindaoudou paid introductory visits to senior Government officials in Khartoum during the last week of July. Her meetings included Dr. Mustafa Osman Ismail, Adviser to the President, Dr Ghazi Salahhudin, Adviser to the President on Darfur, Ms. Halima Hassab Allah Al-Neem, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Representatives of Darfurian women parliamentarians and Mr. Salah Ounsi, Minister of Foreign Affairs.


All interlocutors expressed confidence in her appointment stressing that she was well-placed and well-versed to advance the Darfur dossier, given her experience as former Foreign Minister of Niger. Sudanese media also noted the visits often giving them front-page coverage.

The DJSR(P) expressed gratitude for the support and confidence and reiterated her commitment to work with all concerned to advance peace and prosperity in Darfur. She underscored the need for maximum cooperation and collaboration to further improve conditions in Darfur. Government interlocutors stressed their commitment to advancing the UNAMID mandate.

In addition, representatives of the international community she met included Mr. Georg Charpentier, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan, Mr. Nils Kastberg, UNICEF country representative and Mr. Peter De Clercq, UNHCR representative.  Among the diplomatic community, she met Mr. Patrick Nicoloso, Ambassador of France, Mr. Carlo De Fillipi, European Union representative, and Ambassador Leontien Zwakhalen of the Netherlands.

During her meetings, she expressed support for the work of the international community in assisting the people of Darfur and she underscored the importance to UNAMID of its cooperation with international partners in achieving their shared objectives. She stressed her commitment to furthering this partnership. International representatives pointed out that her humanitarian experience could strengthen coordination between the mission and its partners.

Ms. Aichatou Mindaoudou (left) on her arrival to El Fasher (30 June 2011). Photo by Olivier Chassot