
UNAMID Radio Unit has been broadcasting its radio programmes around Darfur since July 2011.Two of its flagship programmes are the Voice of Children; a weekly magazine style radio programme that is produced and presented by children aged 9 to 15 years old, and Yala Nebni Darfur (Lets Build Darfur); one-hour-magazine style radio programme focusing on themes related to UNAMID mandate. Both of these radio programmes are broadcast on radio Al Salaam 98.0 FM in Khartoum and 7.2MHz, 41 Meter Band SW in Darfur every day from 08:30 to 09:30 and from 14:00 to 15:00.

The radio unit has recently launched its new magazine programme, UNAMID Today, a 30 minute radio programme that highlights the Mission’s activities and human interest stories in Darfur. The programme is broadcast  on El Fasher radio, 95 FM and 801 AM every day from 9:30 to 10:00. 

The radio programmes are broadcast in Arabic.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur,24 December 2016: UNAMID to support peace process in Darfur.

    This program features the activities of UNAMID’s Civil Affairs Section in Sector South to empower community leaders in the area to support the peace process. The program also features interview with Saleh Eissa, Omda (native leader, mayor) from Kass locality he talks about peaceful coexistence between the IDPs and the community in Kass Locality.

  • Voice of Children, 23 December 2016: Girls' education and gender equality

    In this program features the Girls' education and gender equality, despite progress in recent years, girls continue to suffer severe disadvantage and exclusion in education systems throughout their lives. An estimated 31 million girls of primary school age and 32 million girls of lower secondary school age were out of school in 2013 worldwide, in Darfur the situation is not very different and that is why children of Darfur raised their voice high for equal education opportunities for girls and boys.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 22 December 2016: What do you know about UNAMID?

    This program; what do you know about UNAMID? Is a programme that highlights about UNAMID activities and mandates in facts and figures. Today’s programme focuses on CPIS community outreach unit that has organized several events and provided support to the youth and sport in Darfur as a way to unite people together for peace.  

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 21 December 2016: Houses for wedding ceremonies in Darfur

    This program features a traditional houses built by Abujalol tribe such as Umdandanti (a kind of tent) which are used for custom and traditions such as wedding ceremonies in Darfur. The program also features an interview with Abakar Mohammed, flowers dealer, about his work to support his family, many youth in Darfur are working in different fields to support their family who lost everything as a result of displacement and mugging.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 20 December 2016: Ways to maintain hair and beauty!

    Interview with Nakhila Idris, A displaced woman from Abu Shook IDPs camp, about new ways of perfume making in Darfur, perfume making has now days became a source of income to many household women in Darfur. The program also contains a feature about how do kids visualize their future, in Camps for displaced people in EL-Fasher, many children in Darfur are living in the internally displaced peoples’ camps around Darfur. The program also features the ways to maintain a healthy hair and beauty.

  • Voice of Children,19 December 2016: Explore Hobbies for Kids to Expand Your Child’s Interests

    In this program children talks about how to explore hobbies for kids to expand your child’s interests. No matter what your child’s age is, you probably have a good idea of what his or her interests are. Perhaps your child prefers craft activities over science experiments. He or she might enjoy playing an instrument over playing a sport. These interests may change over time, but even temporary ones have a significant impact on a child’s development. One way to nurture your child’s interest is to help him or her find a hobby.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur,18 December 2016: Risks of using medicines without consulting a doctor.

    The program beside other issues features the Risks of using medicines without consulting a doctor in South Darfur State. There’s also interview with Dr. Babeker Tijani a UNICEF Staff, about the support which UNICEF, provided in the field of child nutrition in South Darfur.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur,17 December 2016: UNAMID is enhancing the rule of Law in west Darfur

    This program features how UNAMID is enhancing the rule of Law in west Darfur through the provision of Quick Impact Projects and trainings to the Government Police and Judiciary system in the area. The program also features a report on seminar on UNSCR 1325 in Forabaranga West Darfur, organized by UNAMID Gender Advisory Unit as part of UNAMID’s initiative to enhance women and the youth role in peace building in Elgeneina through We Need Peace Now Campaign

  • Voice of Children,16 December 2016: Explore Hobbies for Kids to Expand Your Child’s Interests

    In this program children talks about how to explore hobbies for kids to expand your child’s interests. No matter what your child’s age is, you probably have a good idea of what his or her interests are. Perhaps your child prefers craft activities over science experiments. He or she might enjoy playing an instrument over playing a sport. These interests may change over time, but even temporary ones have a significant impact on a child’s development. One way to nurture your child’s interest is to help him or her find a hobby.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur,15 December 2016: Mediation and conflicts resolutions between tribes in Darfur.

    This program features UNAMID Civil Affairs Section work to raise capacity building of the Civil Society Organizations through training on mediation and conflicts resolutions between tribes in Darfur. This program also contains an interview with Adam Suleiman, Deputy Director of HAC (Humanitarian Aid Commission) based in El-Fasher, he work as coordinator between the state government  and UNAMID and International Organization in the area of humanitarian  Aids to the displaced in Darfur region. Adam Suleiman talks about how they give access to the organizations and their movement till they reach to the beneficiaries.
