
UNAMID Radio Unit has been broadcasting its radio programmes around Darfur since July 2011.Two of its flagship programmes are the Voice of Children; a weekly magazine style radio programme that is produced and presented by children aged 9 to 15 years old, and Yala Nebni Darfur (Lets Build Darfur); one-hour-magazine style radio programme focusing on themes related to UNAMID mandate. Both of these radio programmes are broadcast on radio Al Salaam 98.0 FM in Khartoum and 7.2MHz, 41 Meter Band SW in Darfur every day from 08:30 to 09:30 and from 14:00 to 15:00.

The radio unit has recently launched its new magazine programme, UNAMID Today, a 30 minute radio programme that highlights the Mission’s activities and human interest stories in Darfur. The programme is broadcast  on El Fasher radio, 95 FM and 801 AM every day from 9:30 to 10:00. 

The radio programmes are broadcast in Arabic.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur,04 December 2016: UNICEF’s psychosocial support to displaced children in South Darfur

    This program features interview with Salih Bahar, UNICEF Child Protection Officer, about the organization’s psychosocial support to displaced children in South Darfur. It also features a campaign on environment protection and sanitation in Otash Internally Displaced People’s Camp, this campaign was led by UNAMID Police components. 

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 03 December 2016: The most beautiful marriage rituals in Darfur.

    In this episode: an interview with the mayor in favor of a documentary, Mohammadayn, Mayor Ma'aliya Tribe, eastern Darfur. The program also features’ about (Jertk) as one of the usages in the marriage customs among the people of Darfur, one of the most beautiful marriage rituals which meets the girl's family and the young man.

  • Voice of Children, 02 December 2016 : Shilail Game of children in Darfur.

    This program features (Shilail) a game accompanied by a kind of singing, like where is Shilail? …Dodo eaten it! Shilail A game accompanied by a kind of intonation: where Shilail?..... Dodo eat,….. Where Shilail went?...... Kidnapped by alligator. And Shilail is a bone, they often choose goats or sheep bone. The game is often play in the lunar nights, as a shining light of the moon, where the game starts gathering children behind thrower of the Shalil (bone), which stands in a circle, or what is known as (facilitator) and the throwing away from them without anyone of them seeing the place where it crashes. Then the children begins a journey to find the bone and who finds it will take it in his hand and hides without showing any one of children. The placing stonewalling everyone, even the circle facilitator or up and yell again : where Shilail?..... Dodo eat,….. Where Shilail went?...... Kidnapped by alligator, and thus end the game and start a new cycle.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur,01 December 2016: UNAMID in supporting girls’ education in Darfur

    This Yala Nebni Darfur program features many issues including discussions on how people of Darfur look to the girl child as less than her brother, especially in the field of education or empowerment. The program also features the role of UNAMID in supporting girls’ education in Darfur.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 30 November 2016: UNAMID support in Um Baru Locality in North Darfur.

    This episode features the role of UNAMID in the community support in Um Baru Locality in North Darfur in the field of upgrading the educational environment and that is to build classrooms and provide drinking water supply in Um Baru basic mixed school. And also an interview with the director of the Basic Education in Umm Baru, talked about the cooperation between them and UNAMID in the field of quick impact projects, in supporting education and water projects.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur,29 November 2016: UNAMID supports the culture of Peace in Darfur.

    UNAMID's role in rebuilding the Cultural Foundation in El Fasher rehabilitation, and support its role in spreading the culture of peace in Darfur. The program also features the role of popular bands in support of peace and peaceful coexistence among the tribes in Darfur.

  • Voice of Children,28 November 2016: Kids need to follow the guidance of adults

    In this program children discuss the Kids need to follow the guidance of adults, and also filial piety and obedience, the child listens to the words of the successful adult and follow the steps that led to success in the future.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 27 November 2016: UNAMID trains 30 prison officers in Nyala.

    In this episode: dedicated to peace-building will we pursue through the drama that dealt with problems between pastoralists and farmers and encourage peaceful coexistence between them, the Department of the Rule of Law of UNAMID, trained 30 prison officers in Nyala on prison management and operations. In this program also the interview with Mohammed Ishaq, UNAMID’s Human Rights officer about the support provided by the human rights section to community in South Darfur.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 26 November 2016: UNAMID’s role in supporting local community in Millet.

    This program farther extends the feature on UNAMID’s role in supporting local community in Millet in field of education by building school class rooms. It also features an interview with the Director of Basic Education in Millet Locality, he talks about the kind of support they received from UNAMID for the basic education, and other issues related to Darfur.

  • Voice of Children, 25 November 2016: Kids need to follow the guidance of adults

    In this program children discuss the Kids need to follow the guidance of adults, and also filial piety and obedience, the child listens to the words of the successful adult and follow the steps that led to success in the future.
