6 December 2009 - UNAMID Peacekeepers Killed Distributing Water

8 Dec 2009

6 December 2009 - UNAMID Peacekeepers Killed Distributing Water


UNAMID Peacekeepers Killed Distributing Water

El Fasher, 06 December 2009 - At approximately 16.00hrs on Saturday 05 Dec 09, an UNAMID platoon distributing water outside a displaced persons camp near the settlement of Shangil Tobaya, located 65 kilometers south of El-Fasher, the capital of North Darfur, were fired upon by unknown gunmen.

The attack left two Rwandan soldiers dead at the scene and one injured. The soldiers were immediately air-evacuated to El Fasher.

It remains unclear as to who or how many carried out the attack, as does the motive. Witnesses reported that the assailants pulled weapons concealed under their traditional clothing and fired without warning on the peacekeepers.

The forces did not return fire as the area was crowded with civilians receiving water. The attackers fled attempting to steal a vehicle from the troops, but were unsuccessful.

Once again, UNAMID denounces in the strongest terms this wanton attack against its troops and calls upon the Government of the Sudan to identify the perpetrators, arrest them and bring them to justice.

This attack brings to 22 the number of UNAMID personnel killed in violence since the mission assumed its tasks in Darfur in January 2008.
