5 Aug 2013 - Compensation and Reconciliation Process mechanism known as “Jwdya”

5 Aug 2013

5 Aug 2013 - Compensation and Reconciliation Process mechanism known as “Jwdya”

On 27 March, the Head of Darfur Regional Authority, Dr. Tijani Sese, at the conclusion of a conference for voluntary return for Darfur IDPs in Nyala, called upon Sudanese scholars to review the Ajawid and blood money as mechanisms paid as compensation to victims by a person who commits murder. He said that these two systems were no longer effective in resolving conflict in Darfur, and had in fact become a catalyst for instability and tribal conflict in the area. Adam Yakub and Paul Omalla of UNAMID Radio set out to find why these two systems which have served the people of the area for so long are now being called into review.Click here to listen to the report: