22 Jan 2013 - UNAMID continues relief operations in North Darfur

22 Jan 2013

22 Jan 2013 - UNAMID continues relief operations in North Darfur


The African Union - United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) continues to deliver humanitarian assistance to displaced populations in the North Darfur villages of Saraf Omra, Kabkabya, El Sereif and Abu Gamra.

Today, 12,000 kilograms of aid were air-lifted to El Sireaf and Abu Gamra. The figure brings the total delivery of aid to 56,000 kilograms to reach affected areas. The non-food items, provided by the humanitarian community, consist of plastic tarps, sleeping mats, blankets and water purification equipment.

The aid comes following the mass displacement of thousands of civilians as a result of clashes which began on 6 January between the Abbala and Beni Hussein tribes over gold mines in the Jabel Amir area.