15 Aug 10 - Security situation update

15 Aug 2010

15 Aug 10 - Security situation update

15 August 2010 - The security situation in Kalma Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp in South Darfur remains unpredictable, with sporadic shooting over the weekend. UNAMID troops continue to patrol the area, 24 hours a day. The majority of IDPs who sought shelter near UNAMID’s local Community Policing Center have relocated to other parts of the camp, suggesting an improvement in the security situation.


Humanitarian conditions in the camp continue to deteriorate. Fuel stores in the camp have been exhausted, and consequently motorized water pumps have ceased to function. Contrary to reports on 12 August, there are two functioning clinics in Kalma camp, albeit with limited resources. One of the clinics yesterday informed UNAMID of over 60 cases of malnutrition.



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