10th Anniversary of International Year of Volunteers

12 Apr 2011

10th Anniversary of International Year of Volunteers

In 2001, UN General Assembly proclaimed that year as International Year of Volunteers in recognition of the valuable contribution and further potential of volunteerism for economic and social development. 10 years have passed and on 2011 we celebrate volunteering as an expression of our common humanity and as a means of building mutual respect, understanding, trust, solidarity and reciprocity.


We embrace volunteering as universal and inclusive, and recognize volunteering in its diversity, as well as the purpose that sustains it: a firm belief in the values of equality, solidarity, civic engagement as well as individual and collective freedoms.

The tenth anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers provides us the opportunity to recognize and celebrate the will, positive energy and innovation of millions of people for human development and human rights through a multitude of volunteering initiatives from locally initiated activities to structured full-time engagements. IYV+10 will highlight the great diversity of volunteers of all ages, origins, cultures, socio- economic backgrounds and experiences.
In UNAMID, the UNV Field Unit is currently working on planning and implementing the grounds to initiate these activities throughout Darfur, showcasing not only UNAMID’s volunteers’ experiences and contributions, but also outreaching to all volunteers working in this Region (national and international volunteers).