100 At-Risk Youths participate in vocational skills training in El- Daein, East Darfur
On 14 March 2019, UNAMID Sector East in collaboration with High Council for Youth and Sport in East Darfur State held a graduation ceremony after a three-month training for 100 at-risk youth in different fields of vocational skills, implemented by El Nafeer Charity Organization (ECO).
The training, held in El Daein, capital of the state, included motor vehicle mechanics, general electricity, masonry, tailoring and food processing.
In his opening remarks, Mr. Sandog Tindil, Head of the High Council for Youth and Sport thanked UNAMID for supporting the at-risk youths and vulnerable community members by assisting them to develop alternative livelihoods through diversification of relevant skills for self-employment in areas plagued by tribal conflicts.
He pointed out that the project will reduce poverty rate and contribute to the stability and security in the state, adding that it will improve income-generating opportunities for at-risk youth and women. “The impact of this project will be great especially in terms of the socio-economic indicators such as unemployment and livelihood alternatives and reduce community violence, especially in the case of the youths,” he said.
The Head of ECO, Mr. Mahmoud Burma, thanked UNAMID Governance and Community Stabilization Section (GCSS) for the continuous support to the local communities through the implementation of projects that reflects the need for both--the local government and the community. “We will do our best to serve our communities despite the challenges we are facing in reality; the overall economic crisis which leads to inflation, the unexpected increase of prices, lack of money in the banks, transportation and infrastructure in east Darfur,” he said.
Ms. Sylvie Kiba , Office in Charge of UNAMID’s Sector East, thanked the government officials for their continuous support to the Mission to fulfil its mandate. She explained the main objective of Community Stabilization Projects (CSPs) as to support and maintain the relative peace achieved in Darfur and to help the local communities to work together for stabilization.
“There are other three ongoing projects implemented in different localities and other six projects completed. We will do our best to serve our stakeholders and look for the need of the communities based on the Mission mandate and capabilities,” Ms.Kiba said.
On his part, The Executive Director of El Daein locality Mr. Yousif Abdulmahmoud said that security situation in East Darfur is currently stable and there are many voluntary returns. However, he underlined that lack of livelihood opportunities is a key challenge. He praised this initiative and its positive impact on changing the lives of unemployed youth, ex-combatants, IDPs, returnees, refugees, women, and communities in the affected areas in general. “In my opinion, this project reflects the real need of both returnees and local population. It is expected to create a positive movement because it will reduce unemployment among the youths particularly those who missed the opportunities for education and training as a result of the conflict in the state,” he said.
During the graduation, 100 tool kits were distributed to the trainees based on their field of specialization. The ceremony was also attended by the local government officials, representatives of law enforcement organs, youth union, IDPs, women groups and other residents.