05 May 11 - UNAMID continues to distribute water carriers throughout Darfur

5 May 2011

05 May 11 - UNAMID continues to distribute water carriers throughout Darfur


05 May 2011 - UNAMID distributed yesterday more than one hundred high-capacity rolling water containers to residents of Gurrer village, a nomadic settlement located about 52 kilometers northeast of Kutum, North Darfur. These carriers are devices for transporting water more easily than traditional methods.


The residents of Gurrer, who were displaced to Kabkabiya due to the conflict, began to return to the village in 2009. Upon their arrival, they found much of the infrastructure destroyed. Since then, the community has received some assistance from UN agencies and NGOs.


Today the area has only one water point that was provided by UNICEF. With the use of the new water carriers the population will be able cut down on the trips to the well. Pushing or pulling them, one individual can carry 75 litres at one time.  


UNAMID started on 26 April to hand out thousands of these water containers to eight returnee villages throughout Darfur, selected due to their poor access to water sources and severe drought during the dry season.



   A Darfuri woman testing a rolling water container. Photo by Albert Gonzalez Farran/UNAMID







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