03 July 11 - UNAMID takes to the airwaves

3 Jul 2011

03 July 11 - UNAMID takes to the airwaves

03 July 2011 - The African Union – United Nations Mission in Darfur today began a series of radio broadcasts throughout the Darfur region, in accordance with a recently signed agreement with the Sudanese Government.

According to this interim arrangement, UNAMID Radio will broadcast for two hours daily on Al Salaam Radio, a one-hour programme at 8:30 and another at 14:00, with repeat broadcasts at appropriate times on Darfur state radio stations.

The broadcasts, titled Yala Nabni Darfur (“Let’s Build Darfur”), will feature a unique perspective into the lives of the region’s people and present the latest on UNAMID’s activities and its mandate in helping to achieve peace. With television and daily newspapers out of the reach of many in Darfur’s more remote communities, radio is often the only available source of information.

The interim agreement inked on 26 June between the Mission and the National Public Radio Corporation (NPRC) is to last while the Government reviews the Mission’s application for a radio broadcasting license, in conformity with the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA).



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