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  1. Human RIghts First, February 2018

    22 February 2018 Download hrs_first_2018_edition-final.pdf (6.27 MB)

  2. 21 Oct 13 - Message of the AU-UN Joint Special Representative for Darfur on African Human Rights Day

    21 October 2013

  3. Human Resources Assistant - Grade: GL-5

    29 March 2012... 8 April 2012 UNAMID-NYL-12-007- Human Resources Assistant _GL-5_.pdf ...

  4. Associate Human Resources Officer- NO-B

    1 February 2015... 15 February 2015 VA JO UNAMID-15-001 Human Resources Officer (NO-B).docx ...

  5. Human Resources Assistant- GL-5

    23 January 2017 Human Resources Assistant- El Fasher   jo-human_resouces_assistan_gl-5_el_fasher.pdf Application ...


    9 July 2019 A Joint Update on the implementation of the Secretary-General’s Planning Directive summarizes progress up to May 2020.

  7. Radio Dabanga’s office in Khartoum is closed and a number of journalists and human rights activists are detained by Sudanese officials

    19 November 2015... office in Khartoum is closed and a number of journalists and human rights activists are detained by Sudanese officials. UNAMID calls for the ...

  8. 09 Dec 10 - Activities promoting women’s rights in Nyala

    9 December 2010

  9. Human Resources Assistant - GL-4

    19 October 2016 Human Resources Assistant  - GL-4- El Fasher unamid-tjo-elf_16-0043-human_resources_assistant_gl-4.pdf Application period: ...

  10. Human Resources Assistant - GL-5

    19 October 2016 Human Resources Assistant - GL-5 - El Fasher unamid-tjo-elf_16-0044-human_resources_assistant_gl-5.pdf Application period: ...
