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Search results

  1. Language Assistant (Human Rights Section) - Grade: GL-4

    30 November 2011 Application Deadline: 14 December 2011

  2. Human Rights Officer - Grade: NO-A

    28 November 2011 Application deadline: 27 December 2011

  3. Language Assistant (Human Rights Section) - Grade: GL-4

    8 March 2012 Application deadline: 19 March 2012 Duty station: EL DAEIN

  4. Language Assistant (Human Rights Section) - Grade: GL-4

    12 February 2012 Application deadline: 24 February 2012 Duty stations: Kutum, Kabkabiya, Shangil Tobayi and Tine (North Darfur)

  5. Language Assistant (Human Rights Section) - Grade: GL-4

    6 June 2012 Application Deadline: 19 June 2012   UNAMID-12-007 -readvertisement).docx

  6. Human Rights Officer : NO-D

    10 November 2013 Application Deadline: 25 Nov 2013 JO-UNAMID-NO-D-HRO.docx

  7. Human Rights Officer : NO-C

    12 November 2013... Dealine : 26 Nov 2013 JO-UNAMID-NO-C-HUMAN RIGHTS.docx ...

  8. Human Rights Officer : NO-C

    12 November 2013... : 26 Nov 2013 JO-UNAMID-NO-C-HUMAN RIGHTS_0.docx ...

  9. Human Rights Officer : NO-C

    12 November 2013... Deadline :26 Nov 2013 JO-UNAMID-NO-C-HUMAN RIGHTS_1.docx ...

  10. Associate Human Rights Officer- NO-B

    20 April 2015 Application Deadline: 04 May 2015
