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  1. United Nations State Liaison Functions train Government of Sudan police officers in West Darfur

    8 May 2019 Photo by Mohammed Idriss, UNAMID. Photo by Mohammed Idriss, UNAMID. Photo by Mohammed Idriss, UNAMID. Zalingei: 7 May 2019, UNAMID’s Sta...


    18 July 2019 On this day, we pay tribute to an extraordinary global advocate for dignity and equality, and one of the most iconic and inspirational leaders of our time.  Nelson Mandela exemplified courage, comp

  3. UN Deputy Secretary General visits Sudan

    31 October 2019 UN Deputy Secretary General, Ms. Amina J. Mohammed, met with the Prime Minister of Sudan, Mr. Abdalla Hamdok in Khartoum. Photo by Hamid Abdulsalam, UNAMID. From 26- 28 October 2019, The United Nations Deputy...

  4. UNAMID strongly condemns the looting of its former Headquarters in Nyala, South Darfur

    29 December 2019 Zalingei, 29 December 2019- On 27 December 2019, an estimate of hundreds of residents, as well as individuals in uniform, entered the former UNAMID Sector South Headquarters (Super


    1 December 2020 Photo by Salah Mohammed, UNAMID. Photo by Salah Mohammed, UNAMID. Photo by Salah Mohammed, UNAMID. Photo by Salah Mohammed, UNAMID. ...

  6. UNAMID organizes debate on education in Darfur

    2 March 2010 01 March 2010 - In a spirited debate held today at the University of El Fasher, North Darfur, organized by UNAMID’s Communications and Public Information Division and the University’s Centre for Pe

  7. UNAMID hands over vehicles, containers and furniture to the Sudanese Police Force

    15 November 2018 Photo by Amin Ismail, UNAMID. Photo by Amin Ismail, UNAMID. Photo by Amin Ismail, UNAMID. As part of UNAMID’s continued efforts to improve the c...

  8. Enhancing the Protection of Women and Girls in Darfur

    30 October 2014... UNAMID since 2008 providing skills-based training and basic rights education to local stakeholders including government institutions, local ... in Darfur continues to be characterized by a lack of human security. ...

  9. Secretary-General, African Union Commission Chair Appoint Martin Ihoeghian Uhomoibhi of Nigeria Joint Special Representative for Darfur

    26 January 2016 He succeeds Abiodun Oluremi Bashua of Nigeria, to whom the Secretary-General and the Chairperson wish to reiterate their deep appreciation for his dedicated service during his tenure as Acting Joint Special Representative, Head of Mission an...

  10. Voice Of Children Radio Programme 7 March 2014​

    12 March 2014 Discussion on “Child rights”, by children from Zamzam Camp, by Islam Khater. Song about child rights, by children from Melleit Town in North Darfur. Feature on UXO ...
