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  1. 22 Jul 10 - Jurists training aims at better rule of law

    24 July 2010

  2. 18 Jul 10 - SLA - Minni Minnawi pledges to help secure aid workers in South Darfur

    20 July 2010

  3. 15 Jun 10 - South Darfur artists come together on social issues

    10 July 2010

  4. 27 Jun 10 - Gender-based violence workshop for Zalingei law enforcement officers

    9 July 2010

  5. 03 Apr 12 - Dissemination of Darfur peace document starts in Khartoum

    8 April 2012 3 April 2012 - Members of Darfur civil society in Khartoum and UNAMID, in coordination with the Darfur Regional Authority, organized the first workshop in Khartoum to di

  6. 17 Apr 12 - Darfuri civil society holds second workshop on Doha Document in Khartoum

    17 April 2012 17 April 2012 - The Khartoum-based Darfur civil society mechanism and UNAMID, in coordination with the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) and the Khartoum State Gover

  7. Viewpoint

    14 August 2012 The Backbone of Darfur’s Peace Agreement  

  8. 13 Dec 12 - UN Country Team, UNAMID expand partnership of peace process and development in Darfur

    13 December 2012 El Fasher, 13 December 2012 - The United Nations Country Team (UNCT) and the African Union – United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) have pledged to combine their effo

  9. UNAMID supports Women Police Network in North Darfur

    20 December 2012 Launching of the Sudanese Police Women Network in El Fasher, North Darfur. Photo by Sojoud Elgarrai, UNAMID.

  10. Darfur forum concentrates on prison development, reform

    20 February 2013 A tripartite meeting aimed at setting a five-year strategic plan for Darfur’s prisons concluded today in El Fasher, North Darfur.
