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  1. The Secretary-General message on the commemoration of the genocide in Rwanda

    6 April 2013 On the 19th anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda, we remember the more than 800,000 innocent people who lost their lives; we honour the survivors whose resilience conti

  2. 03 May 13- Secretary-General's message on World Press Day

    2 May 2013 Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right, enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. ...

  3. 11 Oct 13- The Secretary-General message on the International Day of the Girl Child

    9 October 2013

  4. Hundreds Participate in Annual Debate on Girls' Education in West Darfur

    7 March 2016 On 2 March 2016, UNAMID’s Communications and Public Information Section, in partnership with the Mission’s Gender Advisory Unit and the Ministry of Education, West Darfur state, organized the annual debate under the theme: “Girl C...

  5. UN Secretary-General's Message on United Nations Day

    24 October 2017 NEW YORK -  Our world faces many grave challenges. Widening conflicts and inequality.

  6. Viewpoint

    17 March 2013 More Must Be Done for Darfur’s Women

  7. Viewpoint

    17 March 2013 More Must Be Done for Darfur’s Women

  8. 25 Jun 13 -- UNAMID supports judicial system in Darfur

    25 June 2013

  9. UNAMID conducts engagement and dialogue with armed groups to end recruitment of children

    17 November 2020 UNAMID photo.  

  10. The UN Secretary-General message on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

    25 November 2020 U N I T E D     N A T I O N S                 
