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  1. UNAMID conducts integrated security assessment mission to Kutum, North Darfur amid security concerns

    19 June 2019 Photo by Mwila Mbwengetta, UNAMID. Photo by Mwila Mbwengetta, UNAMID. Photo by Mwila Mbwengetta, UNAMID.   In response to reported security t...

  2. UNAMID Rule of Law launches a capacity building workshop for Sudan Prison Officers in south Darfur

    17 November 2016 Photo by Mutaz Ahmed Munafal, UNAMID. Nyala, 15 Nov 2016: UNAMID Sector South Rule of Law Section (RoL) in collaboration with the State Central Prison Administration in Nyala, South Darfur, has launched a...

  3. Women Advocate for Peace in Darfur

    10 February 2015 As the ongoing peace process moves slowly but steadily forward, women in Darfur have started working actively to bring about peace and reconciliation in the region.

  4. UNAMID Organizes Peaceful Co-existence Conference in El Fasher, North Darfur

    23 September 2016... with the Centre for Peace and Development Studies and Human Rights, University of El Fasher, held a one-day conference on peace and ...

  5. Darfur peace process ramps up in 2012

    19 January 2012

  6. The Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed --- Opening remarks at General Assembly side event on the Transition from Peacekeeping to Peacebuilding and Development in Darfur New York, 28 September 2018

    30 September 2018     [As prepared for delivery]

  7. Yala Nebni Darfur Radio Programme 02 May 2015

    4 May 2015... system in Darfur States through capacity building for  human development for prisons officers and treat  inmates according to International Standard of Human Rights by Mekki. Interview with Abdurahman Nahar ,Officer from UNAMID Civil ...

  8. UNAMID Police establish Gender Crime Special Investigations Unit

    18 August 2009 18 August 2009 -- UNAMID has established a gender crime special investigations unit within the police component that will be responsible for monitoring and reporting on investigations of crimes com

  9. 10th Anniversary of International Year of Volunteers

    12 April 2011 In 2001, UN General Assembly proclaimed that year as International Year of Volunteers in recognition of the valuable contribution and further po

  10. 8 June 10 - UNAMID, Darfur police continue combating violence against women

    10 July 2010
