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  1. UNAMID organizes awareness campaign on Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict in Greater Jebel Marra, Central Darfur

    14 July 2019... Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict,  UNAMID’s  Human Rights Section (HRS), the office of the Senior Women Protection Adviser (SWP ...

  2. 21 Aug 14 - UNAMID Head engages Government, displaced leaders in South Darfur to defuse tension

    21 August 2014 Nyala, 21 August 2014 - The Head of the African Union – United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) and Joint Chief Mediator, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, visited Nyala, South Darfur, to defuse tension in th

  3. The Secretary-General message on the UN Day

    24 October 2018   THE SECRETARY-GENERAL  MESSAGE FOR UN DAY 24 October 2018  

  4. UN Secretary-General's Message for International Women’s Day

    8 March 2017 NEW YORK - International Women's Day is marked today, 8 March, in Sudan and around the world.

  5. UNAMID facilitates training for the Joint committee to monitor cessation of hostilities between Transitional Government of Sudan and Armed Movements

    30 January 2020 UNAMID photo. As part of its continued efforts to support the Sudan peace process, UNAMID and the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) on 27 January, facilitated a one-day workshop for 27 members

  6. 10 May 2010 - Eighth Meeting of the AU/UN/GoS Tripartite Mechanism

    11 May 2010 INFO NOTE 10/05/2010

  7. Yala Nebni Darfur Programme - 25 Sept 2013

    29 September 2013 Report on celebration organized by UNAMID Human Rights to the refugees who returned to Nory Villages in west Darfur. ...

  8. Yala Nebni Darfur Programme - 9 January 2014

    9 January 2014... Feature about workshop on International and National Human Rights Standard and the role of Human Rights Defenders ,organized by ...

  9. Yala Nebni Darfur Radio Programme 30 March 2014

    15 April 2014... and UNAMID, by Makarim Suliman. Feature on UNAMID Human Rights workshop on how education institutions can integrate human rights ...

  10. Yala Nebni Darfur Radio Programme 14 May 2014

    24 June 2014 Report on a workshop organized by UNAMID Human Rights for the IDPs in west Darfur to raise awareness on human rights issues ...
