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  1. Press Statement of the UN Independent Expert on the Situation of Human Rights in the Sudan, Mr. Aristide Nononsi

    2 May 2016 Khartoum, 28 April 2016

  2. Human Rights First, Vol.1 Issue 1

    1 September 2014 Download hrs_first_1st_edition.pdf (1.5 MB)

  3. Human Rights First, Vol.1 Issue 2

    1 April 2015 Download hrs_first_2nd_edition.pdf (641.75 KB)

  4. Human Rights First, Vol.1 Issue 3

    1 September 2015 Download hrs_first_3rd_edition.pdf (9.3 MB)

  5. Human Rights First, Vol.1 Issue 4

    27 October 2016 Download human_rights_first-_vol_1-issue_4.pdf (746.17 KB) ...

  6. The UN Secretary-General's message on Human Rights Day

    10 December 2017... This year’s commemoration of Human Rights Day marks the beginning of a year-long celebration of seven decades ...

  7. Language Assistant (Human Rights Section) - Grade: GL-4

    8 October 2012... VA- UNAMID-12-007-Language Assistant. Human Rights Section.pdf ...

  8. Human Rights Officer -NO-B

    19 March 2013... 2013 VA-UNAMID-ELG-13-04, Human Rights Officer.doc ...

  9. Associate Human Rights Officer : NO-B

    12 November 2013... 25 Nov 2013 JO-UNAMID-NO-B-Associate Human Rights Officer, Zalingei.docx ...

  10. NUNV Human Rights Officer

    12 August 2015 NUNV Advertisement for Human Rights Officer August 2015 - El Daein.docx Application ...
