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  1. 01 Feb 12 - UNAMID recovers WFP trucks carjacked in Darfur

    1 February 2012... yesterday five trucks belonging to the World Food Programme (WFP) which were forcibly seized by unknown people. ...

  2. 21 Jul 10 - WFP, UNAMID collaborate on school, feeding projects

    24 July 2010

  3. 13 Jan 11 - WFP air crew abducted in West Darfur

    13 January 2011

  4. Humanitarian Assistance

    13 May 2013 Solidarity Market: WFP’s New Food System ...

  5. Community

    10 June 2014 A Multifaceted Approach to Community Support

  6. UNAMID Continues to Assist Humanitarian Actors in Darfur

    18 August 2014 A UNAMID vehicle escorts a convoy of WFP trucks on its way to Shangil Tobaya, North Darfur. Photo by Albert González Farran. UNAMID. The ...

  7. Voice of Children Radio Programme 30 May 2014​

    24 June 2014 Children celebrate peace festival in Nyala, South Darfur.​ Feature on the role of family and the importance of ... Listen Program Audio Here: Voice Of Children 30 May 2014.mp3 ...

  8. 30 May 12 - Gender forum focuses on improving women’s representation in government

    31 May 2012 30 May 2012 - A three-day forum on strengthening gender-sensitive laws and ... in government today concluded in El Fasher, North Darfur. ...

  9. 30 May 12 - UNAMID strengthens engagement in North Darfur's Movement areas

    1 June 2012... Forog, North Darfur, 30 May 2012 - A delegation from the African Union - United Nations Mission in ...

  10. Yala Nebni Darfur Programme - 30 December 2013

    7 January 2014... forum for civil society on Security related issues in South Darfur State, by Makarim Suliman. Interview with the Maida Ahmed a Social Worker of Amal Humanitarian Organization about their role in peace building. ...
