UNAMID and partners mark UN Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women in Darfur

UNAMID, in collaboration with UNFPA and the Ministry of Social Affairs, north Darfur state, today marked the UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women with a colourful ceremony punctuated by drama, music and dance.Photo by Mohamad Almahady, UNAMID.

21 Jan 2016

UNAMID and partners mark UN Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women in Darfur

UNAMID, in collaboration with UNFPA and the Ministry of Social Affairs, north Darfur state, today marked the UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women with a colourful ceremony punctuated by drama, music and dance. The event took place in El Fasher, capital of the state and was preceded by a procession comprising women from all walks of life.

Speaking on behalf of the Minister of Social Affairs, the Head of the department dealing with violence against women in the state, Dr. Hawa Suleman Umarr, stressed the importance of observing the Day adding that “violence against women and girls is not only a crime but also a sinful act and should be the concern and priority of everybody”.

UNAMID Force Commander, Lt General Paul Ignace Mella, representing the Mission, read the Secretary General’s message for the Day and opined that crimes against women and girls are very serious threats to progress and development.

In his remarks, the Representative of the Wali (Governor) of North Darfur, Mr. El Tijan Abdallah Sali expressed his gratitude and appreciation to UNAMID and UNFPA for organizing this important event. He assured those present that the Government of Sudan is willing to cooperate and to support the campaign on the elimination of all forms of violence against women.

The event marks the beginning of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence campaign, an approach adopted by the UN and related organisations to raise awareness about the need to eliminate all forms of violence against women at the local, national, regional and international levels. The campaign ends on 10 December, which is UN Human Rights Day.