UNAMID meets local leaders, urges reconciliation between feuding tribes in East Darfur

18 Sep 2014

UNAMID meets local leaders, urges reconciliation between feuding tribes in East Darfur

As part of ongoing efforts to diffuse tension between the Maalia and Reizeigat, UNAMID, World Food Programme, UNICEF and OCHA conducted an assessment visit to Adila locality in East Darfur on 16 September 2014 to assess the security situation. This is the first time that such a mission has been undertaken to the conflict area since clashes erupted between Maalia and Reizeigat in 2013.

During the visit, the team met with traditional and administrative leaders as well as with representatives of non-governmental organizations and international non-governmental organizations operating in the area. The leaders requested for humanitarian assistance and basic services including education, health, food and non-food items.

Addressing the community, UNAMID Head of Office in East Darfur, Landing Badjie, reiterated the Mission’s commitment to support the peace process and appealed to the tribal leaders, youth and the women groups to embrace peace efforts as well as reconcile their differences. “UNAMID is here to assist in bringing lasting and durable peace to the people of Darfur. I urge you to embrace peace in order to create a conducive atmosphere for the delivery of humanitarian aid,” he added.

On behalf of the local leaders, Umdah Ahmed Ali Ajab expressed appreciation to UNAMID and the UN agencies adding that the conflict had impacted the lives of the people living in both Adilla and Abukarinka with deaths and mass displacement and called on urgent humanitarian assistance in the area.