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17 Aug 2014


Theatre Artists Promote Peace, Social Cohesion

As the conflict continues, groups of socially committed theatre artists are collaborating with Government officials and NGOs across Darfur to build support for sustainable peace.

By Emadeldin Rijal

The ongoing conflict in Darfur has resulted in a social, economic and political fabric that is tearing apart at the seams. Aside from the clashes between the Government of Sudan and armed groups that form one of the key elements of the conflict here, there are frequent waves of in-fighting triggered by deeply rooted communal differences. With divisions and rifts between different sections of Darfuri society becoming increasingly pronounced, stakeholders in the region have focused on the need for initiating dialogue and arriving at social consensus as a way to drive the peace process forward.

One method that is contributing to positive change is drama. “The performing arts are an important tool for carrying and conveying socially relevant messages to a diverse audience,” says Dr. Fadlullah Abdalla, a theatre instructor in the College for Music and Drama at the Sudan University of Science and Technology. According to Dr. Abdalla, one of the best ways of creating dialogue at the community level is through theatre because it can educate people about contemporary social and political issues while simultaneously entertaining them.

“We, as members of the theatrical community, are able to use our craft to inform Darfuris about peace, acceptance and coexistence in a neutral space,” he avers, explaining how the dialogue between the actors onstage can lead to an immediate connection with the audience. At the end of the performance, he says, members of the audience can formulate perspectives and opinions regarding the topics the thespians brought to life on the stage.



Read the full article in the July issue of Voices of Darfur. Download the magazine (PDF) here.

Actors from El Fasher’s Al Musrahia drama group perform in Al Nour Al Nasfia Basic School to raise awareness about road safety. Several performances, sponsored by UNAMID, were conducted by five local drama groups in schools around the city. Photo by Albert González Farran, UNAMID.