UN Secretary-General’s report on the deployment of UNAMID released

17 Jul 2009

UN Secretary-General’s report on the deployment of UNAMID released

17 July 2009 -- The Secretary-General’s latest report to the Security Council on the deployment of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) is out as a document, the Secretary-General’s spokeswoman Michele Montas announced in New York today.

This report is scheduled to be discussed by the Security Council a week from today.

While outlining the challenges faced by the Mission in the 18 months since the transfer of authority from the African Union Mission in Sudan to UNAMID, the report notes considerable improvement in the quality of the Government’s cooperation with the Mission.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon noted that the number of units on the ground has been steadily increasing and will continue to do so. All pledged units are expected to be in place and fully operational by 31 December 2009, constituting 92 per cent of the Mission’s total authorized strength.

The Secretary-General, however, noted that the situation for the civilians of Darfur continued to be deeply troubling, with 2.6 million internally displaced persons unable to return to their homes and some 4.7 million Darfurians in need of assistance. Meanwhile, banditry and sexual violence continue to plague civilians throughout Darfur.

The Secretary-General concluded by saying that UNAMID represents a unique strategic partnership between the African Union and the United Nations and he welcomed the African Union initiative to establish the High-level Panel on Darfur and says he looks forward to the report of President Mbeki, which is expected to contain specific suggested measures to facilitate AU-UN mediation efforts.

The Secretary-General recommends a mandate extension for a further period of 12 months, until 31 July 2010.