UNAMID Chief wraps-up West Africa visit, briefs officials on Darfur

22 Apr 2010

UNAMID Chief wraps-up West Africa visit, briefs officials on Darfur

21 April 2010 - UNAMID Joint Special Representative (JSR) Ibrahim Gambari today concluded a series of high-level meetings in western Africa.

The visit, which covered three countries in the span of five days, included discussions on the latest developments in Darfur with Chadian President Idriss Déby and senior officials in Ghana and Nigeria. The JSR offered his appreciation for their commitment to UNAMID. Ghana and Nigeria are among the largest police and military contributing countries to the Mission, and Chad and the Government of the Sudan have steadily worked hard to improve relations, which has provided peacekeepers with a more secure environment.

JSR Gambari is currently en-route to Saudi Arabia, where he’s to meet with Organisation of the Islamic Conference Secretary-General Ekmeleddin Ýhsanoðlu and Islamic Development Bank President Ahmed Mohammed Ali Al-Madani.