
UNAMID staff unload mattresses and beds for delivery to the hospital in El Daein, East Darfur. Photo by Albert González Farran, UNAMID.

UNAMID staff participate in a candle lighting ceremony at UNAMID in remembrance of those who have lost their lives to Aids. Photo by Sojoud Elgarrai, UNAMID.

Representatives of the North Darfur State Government and UNAMID attend the Darfur Water Project launching in El Fasher. Photo by Sojoud Elgarrai, UNAMID.

Saleh Mohammed (18 years old) from Gocker, West Darfur, is being assisted at the Teaching Hospital in El Geneina, after being infected with the yellow fever. Photo by Albert González Farran, UNAMID.

One of the 12 tents sponsored by UNAMID to be used as mobile classrooms for nomads. Photo by Albert González Farran.

The AJSR Aichatou Mindaoudou during the meeting at the African Union headquarters. Photo by Abdourahman Ibrahim.

Women celebrate the opening of the new women's market built by UNAMID's Rwandese peacekeepers. Photo by Albert González Farran

The meeting was held at the UNDP headquarters in Khartoum. Photo by Sojoud Elgarrai, UNAMID.
