
The two realeased police personnel accompanied (center) by the deputy JSR, Mohamed Yonnis. Photo by Rania Abdulrahman.

Adolphe Tiao  Burkina Faso Prime Minister, during the UNAMID staff briefing

On 19 December 2012, women from the Zam Zam camp for internally displaced people work on a project during a forum organized to raise awareness on issues related to gender-based violence. Photo by Sojoud Elgarrai, UNAMID..

Launching of the Sudanese Police Women Network in El Fasher, North Darfur. Photo by Sojoud Elgarrai, UNAMID.

Women celebrate the opening of the new health center in Matbaa. Photo by Sojoud Elgarrai, UNAMID

Equipment donated by UNAMID and UNDP to the new legal office in the prison. Photo by Sharon Lukunka, UNAMID.
