
0n December 2014.Tine: School girls from Tine, North Darfur, perform traditional songs and dances during a cultural  event organized by the African Union United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) in Tine, North Darfur, to disseminate the culture of peace. The event, held under the theme "Darfur: Talk Peace Now", brought together school students, internally displaced persons and many of those who have long been taking refuge in Chad.Photo by Hamid Abdulsalam, UNAMID.

On December 3, 2014, El Fasher, North Darfur. Shaghayegh Shafieyan (UNV), pictured at her office in UNAMID's headquarters in El Fasher on occasion of International Volunteer Day. Photo by Mohamad Almahady, UNAMID.

On 30 November .2014. El Fasher : Salah Abdurrahman is keen on using technological devices such as mobile phones. He uses mobile phone on a daily basis to communicate with his family, friends and classmates.Photo by Hamid Abdulsalam, UNAMID

On 1st December, 2014. UNAMID's HIV/ AIDS section marked the World AIDS Day in El Fasher, North Darfur, the event started with route march where all UNAMID personnel participated. United Nations Secretary General's speech on this occasion was also read by UNAMID's JSR representative. Candles were lit as commemoration of HIV/AIDS victims.

On 28 November, Sheik Musa Hilal (rights) looks at a vest distributed by UNAMID with messages against the use of child soldiers in Darfur in an event in Masteriah, North Darfur. Photos by Emadeldin Rijal, UNAMID.

On 27 November 2014, El Fasher, UNAMID Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) section organized a closing ceremony of construction of grand examination hall for Open University of Sudan in El Fasher, North Darfur. Graduate receive a certificate following skills training at Open University of Sudan in El Fasher. Photo by Mohamad Almahady. UNAMID
