
On 24 January 2016, UNAMID’s Deputy Joint Special Representative, Bintou Keita, visited Anka and Umm Rai, in North Darfur. The mission aimed at ascertaining the protection and humanitarian needs of the community living there following attacks on their villages on 3 December 2015. Ms. Keita interacted with members of the displaced population who spoke about their concerns regarding the lack of food, shelter, water resources and medical facilities. Photo by Hamid Abdulsalam, UNAMID.

On 3 September 2015, UNAMID's Water and Environmental Protection Unit installed a submersible pump and a well in El Daein, East Darfur. This is designed to benefit the UNAMID compound in the area as well as the local population. Photo by Kassahun Amante, UNAMID

On 27 March 2016, UNAMID`s Civil Affairs Section handed over a newly constructed building, consisting of a meeting hall, two offices and a latrine, to the native administration executive office, in El Fasher, North Darfur. The project, funded by the Mission through its Quick Impact Projects programme, aims to strengthen the capacity of the native administration to actively participate in building social peace in Darfur. Photo by Salah Mohammed,UNAMID
