
UNAMID Radio Unit has been broadcasting its radio programmes around Darfur since July 2011.Two of its flagship programmes are the Voice of Children; a weekly magazine style radio programme that is produced and presented by children aged 9 to 15 years old, and Yala Nebni Darfur (Lets Build Darfur); one-hour-magazine style radio programme focusing on themes related to UNAMID mandate. Both of these radio programmes are broadcast on radio Al Salaam 98.0 FM in Khartoum and 7.2MHz, 41 Meter Band SW in Darfur every day from 08:30 to 09:30 and from 14:00 to 15:00.

The radio unit has recently launched its new magazine programme, UNAMID Today, a 30 minute radio programme that highlights the Mission’s activities and human interest stories in Darfur. The programme is broadcast  on El Fasher radio, 95 FM and 801 AM every day from 9:30 to 10:00. 

The radio programmes are broadcast in Arabic.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 14 January 2017: Interview with Hussein Yousef, Civil Society Mechanism member-South Darfur.

    This program features interview with Hussein Yousef, Civil Society member, South Darfur, about resuming of the Darfur Darfur Internal Dialogue and Consultations in Bielel locality. The program also features UNAMID peacekeepers from Bangladesh in West Darfur providing free medical treatment to the inhabitants at Krinding (ii) IDP camp in El Geneina. More than 350 IDPs--men, women and children--received medical care such as primary health care; tutorials on general health issues; blood grouping for children; malaria screening and treatment; and distribution of antibiotics and vitamins. Additionally they distributed wheelchairs and footballs to the IDPs.

  • Voice of Children, 13 January 2017: the children’s innovation in AL salaam IDPs Camp

    The program Features children’s innovation in AL salaam IDPs Camp, Children’s Innovation embraces innovation as finding something new inside something known. This program allows space for children to find authentic discoveries and reflect on themselves in relation to the materials they explore. An approach of local products as raw material further supports children’s innovation as it nudges children to work intensely as they explore with toys, other devices and components. 

  • Voice of Children, 12 January 2017: Child Calls for better education environment at schools in her IDP Camp in Elfasher.

    This program features a report on prior students’ physical and mental preparation for examinations to avoid cheating which might happen during the examination and lead to fraud cases among the students. 

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 10 January 2017: UNAMID improve the environment of North Darfur prisons.

    This program features how UNAMID improve the environment of North Darfur prisons through training in Management and operation for 30 Prison Police Officers, UNAMID works to development the prison environment in North Darfur. Also features on how UNAMID DDR Section is organizing projects in collaboration with El-Fasher Technical School to reduce unemployment among the Youth of El-Fasher. The Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration works to combat poverty and unemployment among youth segment by providing them with small projects section, which also prevent them from joining the armed oppositions.

  • Vice of Children, 09 January 2017: Child calls for better education environment at schools in her IDP Camp in El Fasher.

    This program features a report on physical and mental preparation for examinations to avoid sheathing which might happen during the examination and led to fraud cases among the students. Also features a call from Haessnaa Ali, an 8 years old child from Abu-Shouk IDP’s Camp, calls for better education environment at schools in her IDP Camp in El fasher.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 08 January 2017: Rakuba Aba Saleh (Drama).

    This program which is dedicated to peace-building will you pursue through Rakuba Aba Saleh drama that address social problems and vitality of the people of Darfur. And a Report on the importance of involving the native administration of Darfur in issues of peace and peace process. Beside an interview with Hassabo Mohamed, Program Coordinator for the State Committee to Combat Gender Violence about their efforts during the year 2016.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 07 January 2017: The Effects of smoking on the Body

    This program feature The Effects of smoking on the Body. No matter how you smoke it, tobacco is dangerous to your health and affects your entire body, Tobacco smoke is enormously harmful to your health. There’s no safe way to smoke. Replacing your cigarette with a cigar, pipe, or hookah won’t help you avoid the health risks associated with tobacco products. Smoking also depresses appetite, so you may not be getting all the nutrients your body needs.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 06 January 2017: Woman empowerment.

    This program Features a report on workshop organized by UNAMID for Political Parties in South Darfur, on the enforcement of Resolution 1325 on woman empowerment. The program also feature interview with Umalhassan Yousef of UNAMID Child Protection unit, about the role of the unit in protecting children in Darfur.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 05 January 2017: Youth role in bringing peace in Darfur

    This program features an interview with Musab Al Boogi, Coach at Santos Sport Club, about the importance of football in peaceful coexistence in Darfur. Also features interview with Eisa Basi, Minister of Youth and Sport, South Darfur, about his meeting with UNAMID Head of Office and the collaboration between UNAMID and the minister in supporting the youth role in bringing peace in Darfur.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur 04 January 2017: Art and promoting peace culture-Drama.

    In this program Rakoubat Aba Saleh series features Art and promoting peace culture; a big problem occurred between the Eyal Baraka and gunmen from Khor Tabaldy, and both Sheikh Hamid and Aba Saleh quickly rushed to try and stop the fighting. But it was spiraling out of control - and the problems began to reach Hajar Moya.
