
UNAMID Radio Unit has been broadcasting its radio programmes around Darfur since July 2011.Two of its flagship programmes are the Voice of Children; a weekly magazine style radio programme that is produced and presented by children aged 9 to 15 years old, and Yala Nebni Darfur (Lets Build Darfur); one-hour-magazine style radio programme focusing on themes related to UNAMID mandate. Both of these radio programmes are broadcast on radio Al Salaam 98.0 FM in Khartoum and 7.2MHz, 41 Meter Band SW in Darfur every day from 08:30 to 09:30 and from 14:00 to 15:00.

The radio unit has recently launched its new magazine programme, UNAMID Today, a 30 minute radio programme that highlights the Mission’s activities and human interest stories in Darfur. The programme is broadcast  on El Fasher radio, 95 FM and 801 AM every day from 9:30 to 10:00. 

The radio programmes are broadcast in Arabic.

  • Voice of Children, 14 March 2017-repeat on 17th: Mobile schools for nomadic education in Darfur.

    This program features an interview with Ismael Adam Hilal, Assistant Medical Officer of the Health Center in Shangil Tobey, on health problems among children, and the services the Medical Centre provides to the children in the area. The program also features Mobile schools and how they provide primary education for nomadic communities in Darfur.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 13 March 2017: The Role of Culture in Peacebuilding

    This program features an interview with Adam Dagash, a cultural researcher, on the importance of engaging cultural groups to support peacebuilding in South Darfur. It also features songs reflecting one of the traditional mechanisms in conflict resolution. The songs are sung by women in Alsalam locality. The program further features an interview with Abdul Rahman Mostajla, from Masabeh Alamal Artist Group, on their recent cultural activities.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 12 March 2017: Harmful Traditional Practices of Darfur.

    This program features an interview with Dr. Dolap Almasri, a psychologist, on sexual violence committed against women in Darfur. It also features the harmful traditional practice of making incisions on the body of children in rural areas of Darfur which is regarded as a means of protecting them from illness. 

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 11 March 2017: Promotion of Internal Dialogue and Consultations in Darfur.

    This program features how UNAMID is improving on the learning environment at Ali bin abi Talib Basic School for boys located at Abu-Shouk IDPs Camp through the construction of classrooms, offices and ablution blocks. The program further features how Darfur Civil Society uses the provisions set out in the DDPD document to promote Darfur internal dialogue and consultations.  

  • Voice of Children, 10 March 2017: Preventing Child Exploitation (A Repeat Program)

    This is a discussion program on “Child rights” by children from Zamzam Camp on the need to prevent child exploitation by investing in education. The program raises awareness among children and adults. From the consideration that poverty is the main reason for child exploitation, the discussion focuses on the prospects of parents increasing their incomes through savings and small-scale projects. It dwells particularly on teaching and education for both children and adults in order to prevent child exploitation.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 09 March 2017: Women struggle in Darfur.

    This is a story on Mahasin Abdullah Ahmad, a woman from As-Salam IDPs camp, on her views on women empowerment through education. The program also features an interview with Sit Elahal Nour, a trader in Abushok IDPs camp market, on her struggles to educate her six children, by selling vegetables and fruits. In addition, there is an interview with Khalda Abo, Director of El-mawadda Association for Orphans in El Fasher, on her organization’s activities in El-Fasher.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 08 March 2017: UNAMID’s Support to the local community in Melleit, North Darfur.

    This program features UNAMID’s support to the local community in Melleit, North Darfur, through the construction of classrooms and the provision of portable water. The program also features an interview with Austaz Sidig Mohammed Obida, Melleit Basic School Director, on the support they receive from UNAMID and how that impacts basic education in the locality. There is also an interview with UNAMID Civil Affairs Officer, Abdul-Alrhman Nahar, on the Mission’s assistance to education in Melleit.

  • Voice of Children, 07 March 2017: Preventing Child Exploitation.

    This is a discussion program on “Child rights” by children from Zamzam Camp on the need to prevent child exploitation by investing in education. The program raises awareness among children and adults. From the consideration that poverty is the main reason for child exploitation, the discussion focuses on the prospects of parents increasing their incomes through savings and small-scale projects. It dwells particularly on teaching and education for both children and adults in order to prevent child exploitation.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 06 March 2017:

    This program features UNAMID’s Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) programme in a bid to assist women and youth in improving manual production skills in El Geneina, West Darfur. The program also illustrates a feature on gender equality and advancing the rights of women and girls in the communities in El Geneina and Furabranga areas of West Darfur.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 05 March 2017: The Contributions of UNAMID in addressing inter-communal conflicts in Darfur.

    This program features the Ageeds (native administrations) peacebuilding conference in Bull-Bull Abujazo, organized by UNAMID Civil Affairs Section. Native administration leaders are playing an important role in building social peace and by addressing inter-communal conflicts in Darfur. Arising from the close collaboration between UNAMID and the native administration, efforts have made to support mediation and reconciliation of inter-communal conflicts across Darfur. The program also features an interview with Henan Ali, the Headmaster of Eljohra Basic School, in AL Salam locality, on the challenges facing students and the education system in the area.
