
  • UNAMID TODAY 11 November 2016, women in Darfur play a fundamental and distinct role in economic performance.

    This program features the women role in agriculture and cultivation in Darfur. Women in Darfur play a fundamental and distinct role in economic performance by conducting traditional farming and herding animal stock at the same time many are heading families. 

  • Voice of Children, 11 November 2016, Children's rights are the human rights of children.

    This program features a voice raised by children of Darfur, with particular attention to the rights of special protection and care afforded to minors. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) of 1989 defines a child as any human person who has not reached the age of eighteen years. UNAMID Child Protection Unit is working hardly to ensure that Children's Rights are implemented in a feasible way, through different ways in which one of them is this program which aims to help children raise their voices.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 10 November 2016, UNAMID Department of Civil Affairs.

    In this program there is a feature on UNAMID Department of Civil Affairs, one of the most important sections regulates civil affairs within the community in Nyala, South Darfur State on developing solutions to the tribal conflicts in Darfur.
    And also features the opinions of a group of nomadic schools teachers about the problems and challenges facing the education of nomads in South Darfur. Beside an interview with Mayada Ali Ahmed, Social Worker about addressing the reduction of violence against women in Darfur. 

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, November 9th, 2016: home violence in Darfur.

    This program features how women and children use palm trees, Idris Adam an IDP form Aboushook camp in North Darfur talk about the new ways to perfume the local industry. The program also features a report on how children perceive their future in the displacement camps of Darfur beside a report on home violence in Darfur including wife-beating.

  • UNAMID TODAY 08 November 2016, Livestock in Darfur.

    Darfur region is rich in livestock and agriculture lands.  The majority of the people of Darfur are involved in pastoralism.  But how could this sector be developed?  You will also listen to the anecdotes and other popular stories.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur,08 November 2016: UNAMID to disseminate the culture of peace in West Darfur.

    This program features an interview with Fadul Abdullah, Artist form Millet, about promoting culture of peace in Darfur through the arts. It also features the Department of the Rule of Law UNAMID, trains Prisoners of Ardmta Prison in West Darfur on manual work and carpentry. The program in addition features interview with Sharif Alfahil, Singer from Khartoum for his work with UNAMID Community Out Reach Unit to disseminate the culture of peace in West Darfur.

  • UNAMID TODAY 07 November 2016, the culture of volunteer work in Darfur.

    The program features the culture of volunteer work in Darfur.  Volunteerism is essential for the progress of any nation or community.  Members of a nation or community should be ready to transcend their individualism and individual interests to do things for the interest of the group.  Here you will listen to an interview with one of the volunteers in Darfur.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 07 November 2016: UNSC resolution 1325 campaign in Nyala, South Darfur.

    This program features the UNAMID’s Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Department identifies young people in South Darfur to some projects Community Labor Intensive Projects. And an interview with Adam Medani, Legislative Council member, South Darfur, about the importance of strengthening and empowerment of women, in lieu with UNSC resolution 1325 campaign in Nyala, South Darfur.

  • UNAMID TODAY 06 November 2016: UNAMID to help resolve tribal conflicts in Shangil Tobaya.

    Abu Hamra area of the village of Afaf in Shangil Tobaya locality was plagued by tribal conflicts. The conflicts between the pastoralists and the farmers, are caused by fighting over scarce in water and grazing rights; resulting in significant losses to farmers in a planting season of autumn but also in the harvesting season.

    The local administration in the village requested UNAMID to help in resolving this the conflicts.

  • Yala Nebni Darfur,06 November 2016: UNAMID helps young youth of Forberanaga, West Darfur.

    In this episode on how the department of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of UNAMID helps young youth of Forberanaga, West Darfur, through Community Labor Intensive Projects to acquire income generation skills and establish their own small projects.   And also features a report on the support of poor families in Millet, North Darfur, this support provided by Women Charity Non-government Organization based in Millet, by handling them some livestock for breeding. 
