In this programme you will hear about culture of hygiene in El Fasher, general cleanliness and methods to educate the local population about the importance of having clean environment.
Yalla Nebni Darfur, Vol 2.5, May, 2018: Hygiene culture in El Fasher
Yalla Nebni Darfur, Vol 2.4, May, 2018: Discussion on the International Peacekeepers Day
In this progeamme you will hear a discussion on UNAMID peace keepers’ role in implementing the Mission’s mandate, the discussion was part of the celebration of International Peacekeepers Day this year, with a theme: “UN Peacekeepers: 70 Years of Service and Sacrifice”
Yalla Nebni Darfur, Vol 2.3, May, 2018: Violence against women
In this programme you will hear an interview with the Director General of Al Rahmaa Organization for Development and Humanitarian Action, Mariam Abu Al-Humeira on violence against women and an interview with Magda Ibrahim, Department of Gender.
Yalla Nebni Darfur, Vol 2.2, May, 2018: Judges of the rural courts in South Darfur
In this programme you will hear a story about workshop for the judges of the rural courts in South Darfur, and a report on the Nyala Commercial Investment Fair
Yalla Nebni Darfur, Vol 2.1, May, 2018: Darfur Baskets, hand-woven by women
In this programme you will hear about Darfur Basket making that are hand-woven by women in Internally Displaced Persons camp in North Darfur. A typical medium-sized basket of Hope takes about a week to complete, while the larger Basket of Strength could take nearly a month. Weavers are paid based on the size of the basket they create.
Yall Nebni Darfur, Vol 2.12, April 2018: Comparison to past and present marriages in Darfur.
In this programme you will hear about comparison to past and present marriages in Darfur, many changes have taken place, such as taking a girl's view of her marriage and many tribal overlaps.
Yall Nebni Darfur, Vol 2.11, April 2018: Interview with Col. Al-Tom Adam, Director of Operations and Coordination, South Darfur.
In this programme you will hear an Interview with Col. Al-Tom Adam, Director of Operations and Coordination, South Darfur State Police, on UNAMID's support for the state police in the areas of training and protection.
Yalla Nebni Darfur, Vol 2.10, April 2018: Hajar Gado market in El Fasher.
In this programme you will hear about Hajar Gado market in El Fasher, is an old market located in the city of El Fasher and was named by the name of the deep water wells, it has been excavated in this area for hundreds of years by ancestors, to provide water to the city of El Fasher.
Yalla Nebni Darfur, Vol 2.9, April 2018: Reproductive health in Darfur.
In this programme you will hear about reproductive health in Darfur. Reproductive health Sector in North Darfur needs to be sensitized to women who are often uneducated and show little interest in the importance of immunization and reproductive health in general.
Yall Nebni Darfur, Vol 2.8, April 2018: The role of Al-Dayat (midwives) School in Al-Fasher.
This programme features the role of Al-Dayat (midwives) School in Al-Fasher, in securing secure childbirth in Darfur. Al-Dayat School in Al-Fasher is a school that trains midwives from remote villages to supervise birth in their areas.