
  • UNAMID TODAY, 13 August 2016: Building capacity of Disabled People

    In this programme you will hear about UNAMID backed training for disabled people who have become victims of explosive remnants of war. The one month-long skills training is funded through Quick Impact Project that is implemented by UNAMID’s Ordnance Disposal Office. Such a training has also been organized in deferent areas of Darfur to help the disabled community.

  • UNAMID TODAY, 12 August 2016: UNAMID donates electronic equipment to El Geneina University

    In this programme you will hear about UNAMID backed project at El Geneina University library, West Darfur. UNAMID provides 20 desktop computers and other electronic equipment. Also in this programme, you will hear about role of women in the community especially in the medical and mechanical engineering fields.

  • UNAMID TODAY, 11 August 2016: Prison construction in Arda Mata

    This programme features UNAMID backed project to construct and facilitate Arda Mata prison in West Darfur. The project aims to strengthen institution of law enforcement in the sector. 

  • UNAMID TODAY, 8 August 2016: Progress in Darfur

    In this programme you will hear about the significant positive transformation in Darfur today in terms of education that was once only for men. Traditionally women’s role was to rear a child and involved in domestic as well as in agricultural work and collect water.  

  • UNAMID TODAY, 7 August 2016: UNAMID helps build police station in South Darfur

    In this programme you will hear about a handover ceremony of UNAMID backed project in building a police station constructed for the Government of Sudan at Lawyia village, South Darfur. The six room facility, comprising a community service centre, investigation room, two prison cells and two offices. 

  • UNAMID TODAY, 6 August 2016: DDR in Darfur – progress, challenges and outlook

    This programme features process of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) in Darfur that has been regulated by the Darfur Peace Agreement and the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur. As part of the DPA signed in 2006, the government carried out the demobilization of 4,027 former combatants.  After a long delay, the DDR process in Darfur has seen some progress over the past several months with disarmament and demobilization of ex-combatants from former rebel movements who decided to join the peace process, surrender their weapons and return to civilian life.

  • UNAMID TODAY, 5 August 2016: UNAMID Human Rights Section

    This programme features the Mission’s Human Rights Section priorities to continue building state and non-state actors’ capacity to protect and promote human rights in Darfur. The section also provides technical and supports the Independent Expert on the Situation of Human Rights in Sudan to reflect Darfur concerns and demands in the need assessment and final programme for capacity building and technical assistance.  

  • UNAMID TODAY, 4 August 2016: World Humanitarian Day

    This programme features World Humanitarian Day that falls on 19 August. In this programme you will hear about the recognition of aid workers who risk their lives in order to provide humanitarian assistance to people around the world. The day, designated by the General Assembly to recognize humanitarian personnel and those who have lost their lives working for humanitarian causes into a global campaign celebrating the spirit of humanitarianism, and mobilizing people to advocate for a more humane world. Listen to more in this program.

  • UNAMID TODAY, 3 August 2016: Being blind and successful (repeat)

    To be a blind person in Darfur mean many to some, putting an end to their life expectations and inspiration. Not for Abdalla Abakar who, accepted his condition and worked to defeat the stereotypes by concentration on education till he graduated from University with honours. He aspires to become a journalist.

  • UNAMID TODAY, 2 August 2016: Role of disabled people in society (repeat)

    This programme features an interview with the Secretary General of the Association of Disabled in North Darfur about the role of the disabled people in the community as well as the discussion about measles and how to prevent it.  
