
  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 6 September 2016: An interview with Halima Yogoub

    The programme features an interview with Halima Yagoub, a Women Affairs officer, who explains about the importance of the issue of gender equality for the people of Darfur

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 5 September 2016: Peacebuilding in Darfur

    In this programme you will hear about the recent visit of Head of African Union – United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) in different sectors to promote peace in Darfur. 


  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 4 September 2016: Conflict resolution

    This programme features a roundtable discussion between the nomads and farmers that recently has been organized by Civil Affairs section of African Union – United Nations Mission in Darfur in Bilaile locality, South Darfur. The two groups of people have been involved in a long history of clashes over resources in Darfur that led to thousands of people being displaced from their villages and many civilians have been killed. The discussion aims to reduce the tension. 

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 3 September 2016: An interview with Salah Ibrahim Merghani Mangling

    In this programme you will hear about an interview with Salah Ibrahim Merghani Mangling a well-known poet from Zalengi, Central Darfur on his poetry work and how he call for peace through poetry. Also in this programme, you will hear about wedding arrangements in Darfur

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 2 September 2016: Small arms proliferation in Darfur

    In this programme you will hear about the proliferation of small arms in Darfur and its consequences that result in the deterioration of the whole security and peace process in the region. The story also looks at the ways to collect unregistered small and light arms in Darfur. 

  • Yala Nebni Darfur, 1 September 2016: Social solidarity in Darfur

    This programme features the culture of social solidarity between family members and communities in Darfur and the positive impact of such a solidarity amongst the population. 


  • UNAMID TODAY, 29 August 2016: Hand hygiene contributes good health

    In today’s programme you will hear about the importance of hand hygiene for health among Darfuris. Most germs that cause serious infections in healthcare are spread by people's actions. Hand hygiene is a great way to prevent infections. The programme talks about the habit of having hand hygiene among people of Darfur.  

  • UNAMID TODAY, 28 August 2016: Free medical services to IDPs at Krinding Camp, West Darfur

    Today’s programme features UNAMID peacekeepers from Bangladesh in West Darfur, in collaboration with the state Ministry of Health and Government of Sudan (GoS) Military Hospital, provides free medical services to the local inhabitants at Krinding  IDP camp in El Geneina. More than 350 IDPs--men, women and children-received this medical support which included primary health care; tutorials on general health issues; blood grouping for children; malaria screening and treatment; and distribution of antibiotics and vitamins. 


  • UNAMID TODAY, 27 August 2016: Community-based Labour-intensive Projects

    In today’s programme, you will hear about UNAMID backed Community-based Labour-intensive Projects (CLIPs) training programme. The training programme is part of UNAMID’s Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Section priorities that launched the training projects to provide vocational skills to youth in South Darfur. The four-month training programme includes sessions on food processing, tailoring and design, handicrafts and leather works as well as auto mechanics, driving, electrical installations, welding and mobile phone and television repairs. The projects are expected to benefit some 120 youth and are part of the Mission’s efforts to support the ongoing peace process in Darfur.  

  • UNAMID, TODAY 26 August 2016: IT and good governance

    Today’s programme is about how Information Technology can benefit the people of Darfur as well as for good governance. The story is based on a workshop that is recently organized to tackle the issue of good governance and how Information Technology can be used to enhance such a practice. Everyone recognizes the importance of e-government and private benefits after the cognitive revolution that the world is witnessing in this area. Therefore  we have to know about the electronic culture that enables us for the use of it in our daily lives.  
