
  • UNAMID TODAY, 25 August 2016: Polio in Sudan

    Today’s programme talks about problem of polio in Sudan. It is estimated more than 200,000 children under five in different areas including Jebel Marra in Darfur have not received a polio vaccinations for the past four years. The war-affected areas have not been accessible by aid groups for years, noting that Sudan is home to one of the largest humanitarian crises on earth today, with more than three million children suffering.

  • UNAMID TODAY, 24 August 2016: Good hygiene and health

    In this programme you will hear about the importance of cleanliness for people’s health. It is one of the most important practices that is constantly followed in daily lives, whether personal or public environmental hygiene. Having good hygiene helps reduce the likelihood of illness and helps keep bacteria and viruses away from the human body.  

  • UNAMID TODAY, 23 August 2016: Unexploded Ordnances

    Today’s programme explains about Unexploded Ordnances: all types of unexploded remnants of war, which did not explode when used and that still pose a risk of explosion, that are still found around Darfur. They include various types of ammunition from mild to moderate lead bullets, to the hand and the gun bombs, artillery shells, tanks and aircraft rockets. Shapes, sizes and colors are all different and dangerous.  

  • UNAMID TODAY, 22 August 2016: Handicraft making in Darfur

    In today’s programme you will hear about handicraft making in Darfur by using natural materials. Unfortunately such natural materials are becoming more difficult to find, and they are replaced by plastic and other synthetic materials. Palm leaf is one of these materials, one of the products produced is altbroosh, a mat made of palm leaf.   

  • UNAMID TODAY, 21 August 2016: Water scarcity in Darfur

    The water source in Darfur comes mainly from underground. There is no perennial rivers in Darfur. The water is from underground water sources and comes out by drilling boreholes in potential drilling sites that have to be identified. The rainfall is very scarce. It varies from 500 millimeters in the southern part of Darfur to 200 millimeters a year in the northern part of Darfur. And when it rains, it rains for three months and very little in terms of concentration. So it is dry and the whole areas are covered with little very scant vegetation, in this programme you will hear more about water and other topics concerning Darfur.

  • UNAMID TODAY, 20 August 2016: Weapon proliferation

    The proliferation of small arms and light weapons in the conflict zones of Darfur, have become threat to the civilians that resulted in loss of people’s lives. In this programme your will hear about the importance to handover weapons to the local authorities. Also in this programme you will hear about peace making through cultural activities.  

  • UNAMID TODAY, 19 August 2016: Disabled people amid conflict in Darfur

    This programme features people with disabilities who have suffered disproportionately during and after the conflict in Darfur. Disabled persons either did not know of the impending violence or were unable to leave with others. In Darfur IDP camps the blind have particular difficulty moving around. Seeking out food and water is a major problem. The deaf have problems communicating with others because of the lack of sign language interpreters in the camps. Disabled persons must depend heavily on others in order to survive in the IDP camps.

  • UNAMID TODAY, 16 August 2016: UNAMID new mandate

    In this programme you will hear about UNAMID’s new mandate that was unanimously adopted by Security Council under Resolution 2296 (2016). The Council underlined that, in the context of limited progress on meeting benchmarks and ongoing insecurity, the mission must use its capacity and resources to protect civilians, deliver humanitarian assistance and meditate between the Government of Sudan and armed movements that had signed the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur.

  • UNAMID TODAY 15 August 2016: First drinking water company in Darfur

    In this programme you will hear an interview with Ilham Khamis Osman, Director of Nirtitie Water Company in El Fasher, North Darfur. The water company is the first drinking water company in Darfur that provides water for the population of Darfur. In the past drinking water is supplied by a company Karthoum. 


  • UNAMID TODAY, 14 August 2016: Leather products in Darfur

    This programme features hides and skin producers of Darfur who recently receive skills to improve the production techniques that resulted in good economic returns of leather production. The leather production has been referred to as one of few important “pockets of growth” especially in areas like Darfur.
